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Biographies of the world's most famous people in history and present

People Biography

At you can read biographies of famous people from around the world, and discover fascinating stories about popular celebrities, politicians, sportsmen, scientists, musicians, writers, and historical figures.

Definition of “Biography”

Biography, a form of literature usually considered non-fiction, is the subject of a person’s entire life.

A biography is simply the story of a real person’s life and is one of the oldest forms of literature.

It could be about someone who is still alive, someone who lived centuries ago, or someone whose works are globally famous. It reveals the facts of a person’s life from birth to death or the present time.

The Ultimate Goal Of “Biography”

The ultimate goal of the biographer is to describe the whole character of the person in which his subject describes the important events of his life. Writing a biography requires a lot of research. Biographies of successful people are the universal life lessons that make reading biographies so worthwhile.

Famous People – Short Biography